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Learn Spanish with the most convenient and effective guide from McGraw-Hill's bestselling Step-by-Step Series
It has been proven that the fastest way to learn any language is through a solid grounding in basic grammar and a mastery of high-frequency vocabulary. This approach provides the confidence and tools necessary to understanding and practicing new languages quickly and easily.
Combining the bestselling Easy Spanish Step-by-Step and Advanced Spanish Step-by-Step in one volume, The Complete Spanish Step-by-Step introduces you to the most essential structures, verbs, and vocabulary, then will gradually lead you to a mastery of the Spanish language. Numerous exercises help chart your progress, while engaging readings let you hone your skills in everyday contexts. Unique digital support online and via an app., include:
· Flashcards for 3,000 vocabulary items with text-to-speech audio
· Audio recordings of almost 2,500 answers
· Listening practice with 37 passages spoken by native speakers
Whether learning on your own or in a classroom setting, The Complete Spanish Step-by-Step will quickly guide you from novice to near-fluent speaker.